Memorial Service in Zurich – Cemetery Hönggerberg – No sound of the excited time penetrated this loneliness!

Funeral speaker Father Reding from the Honora Zen Monastery organizes the funeral service in the city of Zurich in a respectful, dignified and sensitive manner.

You who have loved me do not look at the life I have finished but at the one I am beginning.

Prayer and Meditation - Funeral in the City of Zurich

The gentle breezes have awakened, they whisper and weave day and night, they create in all ends. O fresh fragrance, o new sound! Well, poor heart, don't be afraid! Now everything has to change. The world becomes more beautiful with each passing day, you don't know what may still happen. The bloom will not end. The furthest, deepest valley blooms. Well, poor heart, forget the torment! Now everything, everything must change.

It is so quiet, the heath lies in the warm midday sunbeam, a rose-red shimmer flies around its old graves. The herbs are blooming, the scent of heather rises in the blue summer air. Ground beetles scurry through the bushes in their golden armored skirts, the bees hang twig after twig on the bells of the Edelheide, the birds whirr out of the herb - the air is full of lark sounds. A low, half-ruined house stands lonely here and sunlit. The crofter leans out the door. Cozily squinting at the bees, his boy on the stone in front is carving his own whistle out of calf's cane. Scarcely does the village clock, the distant one, tremble through the midday lull.

The old man bats an eyelash, he dreams of his honey harvest. No sound of the excited time penetrated this loneliness. This is an autumn day like none I've seen! The air is still, as if one is hardly breathing. And yet the most beautiful fruits fall rustling, far and near, from every tree. O disturb her not, the celebration of nature! This is the harvest, it keeps itself. Because today only what falls before the mild rays of the sun detaches itself from the branches. All the best and rest in peace!