Funeral Rituals – Phoenix Ritual – Burning of Incense and Sandalwood – Everyone goes to their little destiny. Life is change!

There are different funeral rituals: During the Phoenix ritual, a pinch of frankincense and sandalwood is burned as a symbol of transience at the funeral by the head of the ceremony and the relatives.

Prayer and Meditation

Once two must part; once one no longer wants to understand the other - once every path forks - and everyone goes alone - who is to blame for that? There is no guilt. There is only the passage of time. such roads intersect in infinity. Everyone carries the other around with them - something is always left behind. Once it washed you together, you heated up, melted together, and then cooled down - you were your child. Each half now sinks down –: a new human being. Everyone goes to their little destiny. Life is change.

Every I is looking for a you. Everyone is looking for their future. And goes with halting foot, pulled forward by the will, without explanation or greeting to a distant country. Phoenix ritual: It's better this way. Give me your hand. We want to leave each other happy and laughing. Maybe years from now we wouldn't understand each other as well as we do today. So let's keep a pure, true image until we meet again. You will read in my soul how this harsh word grips me. But our friendship endures.

Phoenix Rituals - Funeral Rituals

And was not an empty dream from which we once awoke deceived. Now don't cry; we shall gladly laugh together again. It's better this way. That all the beautiful things are long gone now, how could you understand it? I've kissed the dear, sweet hands when coming and going; And I ate and laughed with you in your dimly lit room – and chatted with you, as always, late into the night. On my way home again, through quiet alleys,

I felt so anxious as I had left my poor girl for so long! oh how long! But that I left you so lonely, how do you know it, and that I am so endlessly far away from you, embraced by your arm! I want to come back tomorrow with a smiling face; and that I said goodbye to you long ago - you don't know it...